3 Signs That Want Emotional Depth but Keep Their Guard Up


People born under this sign may seem tough, but they’re very sensitive people who have trouble with discipline and overthinking. Virgos only show you what they want you to see. If someone with this zodiac sign builds walls around their heart, it’s because they work hard to hide the flaws they think they have. As harsh as they are known to be, they are more critical of themselves than anyone else. Deep down, they fight with the idea that they’re not “good enough.” This feeling is made worse by the fact that they’ve been wrongly judged in the past. They are scared of nothing more than being vulnerable in front of someone. Virgo doesn’t want to be picked on for their flaws. They are also afraid to show their weaknesses because they think those faults will be used against them. Virgo is very scared of being open and getting hurt.

Virgos are very picky about who they let in, and it takes a lot of time to earn their trust. They won’t until they know for sure that you won’t broken their heart. They have even more trouble getting close to someone when they’re dating. Even if all they want is to love and be loved, they will hold on to their feelings and try to make sense of them. In their hearts, they want to be close to someone emotionally, but their fears and worries keep them from doing so. They don’t want anything easy, which makes dating hard for them, so they hold back because they think that’s all anyone wants these days. Virgo would find the serious, long-term relationship they want if they were willing to face the unknown and understand that looking for love is worth the chance of heartache.


Scorpio’s deepest desire is also their biggest fear: getting close to someone deeply emotionally. They’re really scared of being seen. A small part of that is because they are very private and secretive animals. Pluto, the planet named after the god of the underworld, rules them, which may also explain some of the “darkness” they try to hide because they’re afraid of not being good enough or accepted. They’re mostly afraid to let down their guard because that’s the only way they know how to stay safe. Of course, they don’t trust other people’s motives, but it’s more than that. Scorpio has been hurt badly in the past, which has made their skin so thick that it’s almost impossible to break through.

No one else can compare to how strong, passionate, or deeply they love each other. Scorpios don’t just give a piece of their heart to the person they love; they give their whole beating organ to that person. They are affected in ways that words can’t describe by heartache, especially when it’s caused by lying or betrayal. The thought of seeing it again scared them to death. They would have to give up another part of themselves to love again. Someone making them feel like they’re “too much” is another old emotional hurt. People who didn’t deserve their beauty used their passionate love and brave way of being against them. Because of this, they are scared to show or say too much. Scorpio should stop letting their past and worst fears run their lives. They’d realize that someone else has always dreamed of love as fierce as theirs and that it could be mutual. Scorpio needs to know that being brave enough to be open again after having their heart broken is a sign that they can get through anything.


One of the signs of the zodiac that people get wrong the most is Aquarius. People often mistake them for someone who is emotionless, cold, and distant. If you’re close to an Aquarius, you know that’s not true at all. Aquarius isn’t aloof; they just spend a lot of time thinking about and figuring out the world around them. This can be too much for them, and they need time alone to calm down. Despite what most people think, Aquarius has a lot of feelings that they want to share but find it hard to do so. No matter how hard they try, they can’t think their way out of their thoughts. People born under this sign also need to feel safe and trusted before letting someone look into their private life. They’re just careful about who they let into their hopes, fears, and secrets, so they’re not shallow or surface-level.

Their guard is high because they put their heart on the line once and things went badly. They now have a hard time letting themselves be found and feeling open. They feel almost awkward when they have to deal with their feelings and be open. They also need their room and time to grow. A friendship like the one Aquarius would have isn’t what most people are looking for. For them, it’s easy to stay away from being vulnerable. They want something casual instead of serious, but they want more. Aquarius wants to have a deep, long-lasting relationship with someone who will challenge them mentally. They want real things, like close personal connections. But it might take them longer than other people to get there, and most of the time, they can only do it with strong friendships.

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