4 Zodiacs Who Are Crazy With Envy


Scorpio desires the one person they cannot have. Scorpio is a person who is so devoted, transparent, and honest that using any of the typical ways to seduce them away from their current relationship makes them feel unclean. Something about this feels different. It seems that Scorpio might spend their entire life waiting and longing for this ‘house’ to ‘wreck’ itself without them lifting a finger, only to see whether they could win this heart the honorable way. Normally, they feel that everything is fair in love and battle, but some people inspire us to increase our standards and believe that we can be enough on our own without using tricks or games to win someone’s love and admiration. Despite their lofty goals, they are nonetheless driven by the fact that someone else has what they desire.


Virgo’s skin crawls at the attention their opponent is receiving from the person they adore the most. It’s making them rethink everything they know and believe about the universe, since how else could their mentor overlook all of the glaring problems in this person and their work while openly praising them? Virgo has devoted blood, sweat, and tears for a chance to be noticed, and to mingle with this group, and the fact that their foe is climbing to the top kills them. All they want is a pat on the back and for this person to recognize their name, but they feel entirely overshadowed by someone who should never have been considered competition in the first place.


Taurus simply wants to be the favored. Best friend, bridesmaid, or best man. The favorite student, the teacher’s pet, the employee, or the customer of the month. However, they believe that in all aspects of their lives, they come in second, third, fourth, or higher. Always lagging. It’s always simple to miss, neglect, or forget. They want one spot where they can stand out. Where they are cherished. Where they count. And they can’t help but notice how everyone else appears to already have this niche, limelight, platform on which they have been chosen to stand. Everyone else seems to have some form of participation award except Taurus, and as a result, they are feeling jaded.


Aries is frightened of losing someone who means everything to them. Someone who is establishing new friends, following new interests, and ultimately creating a wonderful life that Aries does not participate in. Aries doesn’t grasp the inside jokes, doesn’t know the rest of the gang, and is concerned that this person will become so engrossed in this new life that they will abandon the one they shared with Aries. It’s a form of protective envy that doesn’t want anything to change for fear of everything changing all at once, and the harder they strive to hold everything together, the more it appears to slide through their fingers. They believe they cannot keep up or compete with all that is encroaching on their territory.

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