What Are the Right Turn Laws on Red Arrows in Minnesota?

In Minnesota, the rules governing right turns at red traffic signals are designed to balance traffic flow efficiency with the safety of all road users.

Understanding these regulations is crucial for drivers to navigate intersections legally and safely.

General Rule for Right Turns on Red

Under Minnesota law, drivers are permitted to make a right turn at a red traffic signal after coming to a complete stop, provided there is no sign explicitly prohibiting such a turn.

This means that after stopping, motorists must yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles with the right-of-way before proceeding.

Specifics Regarding Red Arrow Signals

A red arrow signal indicates that turning in the direction of the arrow is not permitted while the arrow is illuminated.

In Minnesota, drivers facing a red arrow must remain stopped and may not proceed with a right turn until the arrow turns green or disappears, and a standard green light is displayed.

Exceptions and Special Considerations

  • No Turn on Red Signs: At intersections where signage explicitly states “No Turn on Red,” drivers must wait for a green signal before making a right turn.
  • Left Turns on Red: Minnesota law permits left turns on red only when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street, after a complete stop and ensuring the way is clear.
  • Isolated Turn Lanes: Even when a right-turn lane is separated by a concrete divider, drivers must stop at the red light controlling the turn lane before proceeding.

Safety and Enforcement

Failure to adhere to these regulations can result in traffic violations, with fines exceeding $300 for offenses such as rolling stops or failing to yield to pedestrians.

Moreover, while right turns on red are generally permitted, safety remains a top priority.

Drivers should always ensure they come to a complete stop, check for pedestrians and oncoming traffic, and proceed only when it’s safe to do so.


Navigating intersections safely requires a clear understanding of traffic signals and adherence to state laws.

In Minnesota, while right turns on red are often permitted, specific rules—especially concerning red arrow signals—must be followed to ensure the safety of all road users.

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