A Man Comes Face to Face With a Black Bear While Walking Into His Garage

Nobody wants to confront an uninvited invader in their home, especially one with four legs.

A man in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, was terrified to see a black bear in his garage while charging his electric vehicle, according to video site Storyful.

The video showed the moment the bear made eye contact with the man, Alex Gold, just before running straight at him.

Gold remained calm, not flinching or screaming. In the footage, Gold is seen continuously saying “No” and clapping his hands as he backs away from the bear.

Watch a man’s close encounter with a black bear.

To escape the bear, Gold opens his car, climbs inside, and closes the doors.

As the bear travels about looking for Gold’s car, a bear cub appears in the video frame.

Gold honks the horn a few times to scare away the two bears.

“I’ve met bears before, but never as close as it was this time,” Gold posted on Instagram, according to Storyful. “Unforgettable experience!”


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