An Alleged Minor Traffic Incident Turns Deadly When a Suspect Shoots a Victim in a Parking Lot

A “minor traffic” incident turned into a shooting death, and now cops say one person is being charged with murder.

In connection with the shooting, 23-year-old David Jerome was charged with murder, firing a gun within 500 feet of a building, putting a child in unnecessary danger, not storing a gun properly, driving a car carelessly, not storing ammunition properly, and having a large capacity feeding device.

Friday at 5:45 p.m., cops in Plymouth, Massachusetts, got several 911 calls about a shooting in a parking lot.

Police in Plymouth say that when they got to the scene, they found a man who had been shot. At the hospital, they said he was dead after taking him there.

Brent Berkeley, who is 41 years old, was named as the victim.

Police say there was a “minor traffic incident” while the two guys were driving between Berkeley and Jermoe. It’s not clear what happened, but the two guys got into a fight, and Jerome is said to have fired his gun, hitting Berkeley.

During the accident, Jerome’s 18-month-old son was in the car seat. It wasn’t clear if the child was hurt or whose care the baby is now in.

At this point, more information about the supposed event has not been made public.

Jermone was arrested after witnesses helped police figure out that he was the suspect.

The suspect is going to be charged on Monday.

Source: An Alleged Minor Traffic Incident Turns Deadly When a Suspect Shoots a Victim in a Parking Lot

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