CalFresh February 2025 Payment Dates by EBT Card Case Numbers for California Residents

2 min read

Race Day Live (Sacramento, CA) – We are already in the final week of January, and California residents are waiting for their February CalFresh payments, which are California’s implementation of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, which provides monthly benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families to help them purchase nutritious food.

These benefits are sent via an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, which functions as a debit card at participating grocery stores and farmers’ markets.

The case number provided to each CalFresh participant is used to establish the particular day within the first ten days of each month when benefits are placed onto the EBT card.

The last digit of the case number determines the payment date. For example, if the case number ends in ‘1’, benefits will become accessible on the first of the month.

How to Claim CalFresh Payments?

To apply for CalFresh benefits, visit the Get CalFresh website and fill out the online application. The county where you live will call you within a few weeks to schedule an eligibility interview. If approved, you will be issued an EBT card within 10 days.

Log into the Benefits Cal app to view upcoming payment dates and overdue balances. Alternatively, you can contact the CalFresh helpdesk at 1-877-847-3663 or visit your local CDSS office for assistance.

CalFresh Payments for February

CalFresh benefit distribution dates in California are controlled by the recipient’s case number, and they are distributed sequentially during the first ten days of each month.

According to data from some of the 5 million Propel app users who check their balance each month, around 92% of people in California receive their benefits at midnight.

Here are the Calfresh payment dates for February:

Date Case Number Ends In
February 1 1
February 2 2
February 3 3
February 4 4
February 5 5
February 6 6
February 7 7
February 8 8
February 9 9
February 10 0

So, while you can usually anticipate to receive benefits around midnight, if they haven’t been loaded on your normal day, it might be worth waiting and contacting your county to see if they arrive later.

Mason Hart

Mason Heart is your go-to writer for the latest updates on Social Security, SNAP, Stimulus Checks, and finance. With a knack for breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand language, Mason ensures you stay informed and ahead in today's fast-paced world. Dedicated to keeping readers in the loop, Mason also dives into trending stories and insights from Newsbreak. When Mason isn't crafting engaging articles, they're likely exploring new ideas to make finances more approachable for everyone.

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