Kevin Costner Pledges to Complete His ‘Horizon’ Saga “I’m Hoping, Dreaming, and Meeting Billionaires”

Kevin Costner Pledges to Complete His ‘Horizon’ Saga “I’m Hoping, Dreaming, and Meeting Billionaires”

Despite the odds, Kevin Costner intends to complete his four-film “Horizon” tale, he revealed at a Deadline FYC event this weekend. The first episode of the ambitious series, which chronicles the narrative of westward expansion in the 1860s with a large cast and great production costs, bombed at the box office last summer, generating $38.2 … Read more

Nicole Kidman, 57, Confesses She Wakes Up ‘Weeping and Gasping’ About Her Mortality—and Keith Urban’s Marriage

Nicole Kidman, 57, Confesses She Wakes Up 'Weeping and Gasping' About Her Mortality—and Keith Urban's Marriage

Nicole Kidman’s anxieties about her own mortality occasionally keep her up at night. In a GQ interview published Monday, the 57-year-old actress revealed that she is “open to emotions” and feels things deeper than ever before. “Mortality. Connection. “Life comes and hits you,” she added. “And [the] loss of parents and raising children and marriage … Read more