Disturbing Footage Captures Massachusetts Correction Officers Under Attack

Boston – A video showing an attack on correctional officials at a maximum-security prison in Lancaster, Massachusetts, has been published. On Wednesday, five officers were hospitalized during an incident at the Souza Baranowski Correctional Center.

An offender stabbed one officer at least a dozen times, and he remains in the hospital. Another cop who was stabbed was treated and released, along with three other police who responded to the incident.

The Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union stated that it has repeatedly warned the Department of Correction about prison safety.

“The video shocks the conscience,” according to a statement from the union’s executive board. “Suffice it to say the Executive Board of MCOFU is stunned, appalled, and angry with the level of brutality of this video; but unfortunately, not surprised.”

The surveillance video, published by the union on Friday, shows a correction officer conducting his rounds when an inmate ambushes him from behind and repeatedly stabs him.

When the cop attempted to defend himself, another convict began attacking. Even with the correction officer on the ground, the savage stabbing continues.

A second cop attempted to intercede, but he too was stabbed. The four men battle for around 30 seconds until a third officer arrives. Another inmate joined the battle before ten more officers arrived.

Union requests security evaluation

The union wants a complete security assessment and a review of policies and procedures in all Massachusetts prisons.

“Our officers continue to be injured,” the union stated. “This horrifying video speaks for itself.” Change must occur quickly.”

The DOC stated that the convicts engaged in the incident had been relocated to other prisons throughout the state.

State legislators want accountability

The video appalled state Senator Peter Durant and Representative Michael Soter.

“It was attempted murder there’s no doubt in my mind,” Soter told the reporter. “It was just hard to see and hard to watch.”

“This is a premeditated, planned attack,” Durant told reporters.

They are seeking accountability, claiming they have asked the Department of Correction to develop a plan to protect police before the worst happens.

“These correctional officers are in fights all the time, and that’s something that needs to stop,” Mr. Durant said. “We need to make sure that these correctional officers have the resources that they need to carry out their task which is keeping the population safe.”

“I don’t want blood on my hands,” Soter explained. “I don’t know what else it’s going to take but I hope with the administration and DOC it’s not a death.”


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