Grief is one of the most difficult things a person can go through, forcing us all to deal with loss, trauma, and the debilitating effects of personal tragedy. Grief affects us all differently, testing our ability to withstand suffering when we least expect it. While loss is an unavoidable part of life, certain signs appear to be more prepared to deal with sadness than others, helping them to tackle devastating, life-altering situations with healthy resourcefulness and both mental and emotional clarity.
Taurus, you’ve spent years constructing a very precise, well-maintained lifestyle, creating rules based on preconceived notions about daily life. Because of your strict schedule, you have difficulty adjusting to situations that disturb your daily routine, destroying the sense of predictability you’ve worked so hard to build. When you experience loss, it feels as if the world is collapsing around you, forcing you to spend large amounts of time adjusting to your new routine.
Cancer, you perceive emotions in a far different way than most people, absorbing other people’s feelings like a sponge does. As a result, your grieving process feels even more difficult, causing you to deal with multiple emotions at once. You need someone by your side during these difficult moments to remind you that everything will work out, no matter how gloomy things appear at the moment.
You are a persistent overthinker in all aspects of your life, and every time you face a tragic event, you have an existential crisis. For you, the five stages of mourning are not a sequential coping method, but rather a tornado of clashing feelings that threaten to destroy your generally logical worldview. While some people experience denial, anger, bargaining, despair, and acceptance sequentially, you go through all five at once, leaving you emotionally and cognitively tired by the end of the day.
You understand that change is unavoidable, Libra, whether it is the slow progression of a relationship or the unexpected loss of a close friend or family member. Though you understand that time cures all wounds, you still experience a tremendous sense of loss, which leads you down a rabbit hole of heavy emotions that consume entire days at a time. You know you’ll ultimately come out of this tunnel and regain your emotional objectivity, but it could take days, weeks, months, or even years.