Man Allegedly Breaks Through TSA, Storms Alaska Airlines Flight in Attempted Plane Theft

Man Allegedly Breaks Through TSA, Storms Alaska Airlines Flight in Attempted Plane Theft

Authorities say that a crazy man charged into an airport in Montana and forced his way into the cockpit of an Alaska Airlines plane before being caught. On October 22, 34-year-old Justin Reed Seymour was arrested after getting through the TSA checkpoint at Missoula International Airport without being caught. A representative for Missoula International Airport … Read more

SNAP Payments of Up to $1,756 Begin Today in Two States; Full Food Stamps Payment Schedule Released for November

SNAP Payments of Up to $1,756 Begin Today in Two States; Full Food Stamps Payment Schedule Released for November

The USDA has stated that the last SNAP payments for the year will be sent to EBT cards in Florida and Texas in October. Florida reads the beneficiary’s case number backward and drops the tenth digit after the ninth and eighth digits. In Florida, your case number’s ninth and eighth digits must be 96 through … Read more

Teen Arrested with Machete After Allegedly Intimidating Democratic Supporters at Florida Polling Station, Police Report

Teen Arrested with Machete After Allegedly Intimidating Democratic Supporters at Florida Polling Station, Police Report

On Tuesday, police in Florida arrested an 18-year-old man with an 18-inch machete blade outside of a voting place. They said he was part of a group of teens who were allegedly intimidating Democratic voters. Caleb James Williams, the teen, was taken after 4 p.m. when police were called to the Neptune Beach Beaches Branch … Read more

A man who was wanted in Ohio for raping a child was caught in Washington County, Tennessee

A man who was wanted in Ohio for raping a child was caught in Washington County, Tennessee

Tenn.’s Washington County A guy who was wanted in Ohio on multiple counts of raping a child was caught at his home in Washington County, Tennessee, on Tuesday. According to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO), Charles E. Marteney, 31, was taken on warrants from Muskingum County, Ohio for the following crimes: Three counts of … Read more