Spine-Chilling Spots Discover the Most Haunted States in America

The United States is a big, different country that is full of history, legends, and scary stories. From coast to coast, some states are known as ghost hotspots where it’s hard to tell the difference between the living and the dead.

We’ll be going on a scary trip through the scariest states in America, from the scary ghost stories in New England to the crazy stories from the Old West. Prepare to enter the haunted worlds of these states as we tell you their scary stories.

States in the US that are said to be haunted

Massachusetts: The Witching Hour

Our journey into the supernatural starts in Massachusetts, a state with a lot of history and mystery. There is no doubt that you will see a ghost in this place. The most cursed city in the United States is in Massachusetts. It’s called Salem. The witch trials in Salem in the late 1700s made the city famous, and the town is still a hub of supernatural activity.

During the witch trials, women who were not guilty of witchcraft were put to death, leaving behind a tradition of restless spirits seeking justice. The suspected witches and the people who tortured them are said to haunt Salem’s old streets, like Essex Street and the Joshua Ward House. People who visit Salem say they have seen ghosts and heard strange sounds.

Also, the Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts, is famous for being the place where Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally killed in 1892. People who have been there say they have heard words and seen footsteps that don’t exist.

For ghost hunters, Massachusetts is a must-see because it is a place where history and the unexplained meet.

Louisiana: Voodoo and Vaporous Visions

With its mix of French, African, and Creole traditions, Louisiana is a hotspot for ghostly activity. New Orleans is a spooky city that ghost hunters like to visit. People who are interested in ghosts love New Orleans’s French Quarter. The area’s old buildings and graves are full of hauntings and scary stories.

The LaLaurie Mansion is one of these places. It is said that the evil Madame Delphine LaLaurie tortured and killed slaves there. This is one of the most eerie places in the United States, and people have said they have seen the ghosts of her victims.

Another place where ghosts like to hang out is St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, where the voodoo queen Marie Laveau is buried. People put gifts and Xs on her tomb in the hopes that she will bless them or guide them from beyond the grave.

Voodoo’s past, along with the state’s dark history of slavery and violence, makes Louisiana a very haunting place to visit.

Illinois: Tragedy Spirits Still Alive

Illinois is known for its busy towns and beautiful countryside. It also has a lot of ghost stories. Cities like Chicago are known to have a lot of ghosts. One of the first known serial killers lived in one of the city’s hotels.

There have been many sad events in Chicago’s past, which is why some places are said to be haunted by the souls of those who died too soon. Seven people from the Chicago Outfit were killed in the infamous St. Valentine’s Day Massacre place in 1929. There are stories in the area and reports of ghost sightings that say the victims’ ghosts still visit the area.

You can go on a lot of different ghost tours in Chicago, like the Gangsters & Ghosts Walking Tour and the Windy City Ghosts Tour. On the tours, you’ll see spooky homes and a famously scary hotel.

The empty McPike Mansion can be found in Alton, Illinois, which is outside of the haunted city of Chicago. This scary house shows that the state has a past of ghosts. This old house is famous for having ghostly behavior, especially in the cellar. Voices that don’t belong to anyone and shadowy figures have been seen or heard there, which is where local tales, ghost stories, and ghost hunting come from.

Not only that, but don’t forget about the DeSoto House Hotel, which is far from Lake Michigan but full of ghosts. For every famous politician and star guest, bad luck was present in equal measure.

A terrible fire destroyed twelve rooms in the Galena four years after it first opened. In 1869, ten years later, a boiler in the basement blew up. Former workers won’t come back because they’ve seen ghosts and heard scary sounds.

This is one of the most haunted states on our list: Illinois. It’s known as the “Land of Lincoln,” but the ghosts of the past won’t go away.

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