Spokane Man Arrested After Allegedly Stabbing Uncle in Head During Drunken Incident

Race Day Live (Spokane, WA) – According to court filings, a 36-year-old man in Northwest Spokane stabbed his uncle numerous times in the head last month in a probable murder-suicide effort to save him from cancer.

In the early hours of Dec. 18, Ryan T. Milner was arrested for first-degree assault and placed into the Spokane County Jail after allegedly stabbing Donald Milner at 5605 N. Drumheller St.

Court papers show that Dennis Milner, Ryan’s grandfather and Donald’s father, contacted 911 after hearing Donald pleading for help in the bathroom. Dennis told police he got up and found Donald covered in blood on the toilet and Ryan on a mat in front of the shower with a knife.

Ryan dropped the knife when Dennis grabbed his arm. Documents show Dennis placed the knife in the trash and contacted 911 as Ryan left the residence.

Police retrieved a bloodied folding knife from a kitchen waste can, records allege.

Dennis told detectives he, Donald, and Ryan had fun at the Drumheller Street house before the eldest Milner went to bed. Dennis stated in documents that Ryan and Donald had been drinking, but he didn’t know what caused the stabbing because no one argued before bed.

Donald informed police his nephew Ryan tried murder-suicide by stabbing him.

Documents state he lives with Ryan on Drumheller Street and was drinking when Ryan mentioned him, Dennis, and Ryan committing suicide. Donald suspected this was related to his recent cancer diagnosis.

Donald said police he left the conversation after saying he and Dennis didn’t want to commit suicide. Donald alleged police Ryan used a folding knife to attack him in the bathroom while he shouted for help.

Spokane Man Arrested After Allegedly Stabbing Uncle in Head During Drunken Incident (1)

Dennis arrived minutes afterward and grabbed Ryan off Donald. Donald claimed in documents that Ryan would have killed him if he hadn’t yelled for help and Dennis hadn’t intervened.

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Donald said Ryan likely thought he was helping him by killing him to avoid cancer treatment.
Ryan was smoking a cigarette when cops approached him before Donald. According to police documentation, he was inebriated, unsteady, slurring his speech, and more interested in smoking his cigarette than the officers.

Detained Ryan by police. He first denied questions but then decided to speak. Then, an officer asked Ryan what transpired that night, and Ryan refused to respond with his body camera on, ending the inquiry, court records say.

Documents show blood on Ryan’s clothes, shoes, and hands. After “helping the guy I was trying to murder,” Ryan complained of a knee injury to police. “Take me in,” he said.

Police found Donald’s hands and head with several cuts. Donald, who seemed inebriated, had a lot of blood on his head. Documents show cops found blood in the restroom.

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Medical staff found many wounds on his head, bicep, and hands. According to police documentation, Donald looked to have been stabbed in the head while shielding his head with his hands.

Ryan faces trial in Spokane County Superior Court on Feb. 24. He remained jailed Friday on $50,000 bond.


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