The 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Most Likely to Have Night Terrors

Do you fear laying your head on the pillow at the end of the day because you are afraid your nightmares will haunt you? Some zodiac signs are more prone to night terrors than others, depending on their astrological characteristics. Are you one of the star signs who has trouble sleeping, or are you more prone to have pleasant dreams? Here are the five zodiac signs who have night terrors and what they can do to relax before bedtime.


Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of knowledge and communication, and they have extremely busy minds. While this makes them smart and attentive, it also causes a lot of anxiety, especially at night when they don’t have their friends, hobbies, or other interests to distract them. Even while they are sleeping, the wheels in their heads continue to whirl, and their vivid imaginations can take them to terrible places.

The best way for this communicative zodiac sign to deal with night terrors is to journal about their concerns or talk to a friend. Geminis, in particular, should avoid scrolling online before bedtime. Instead, they should read a soothing book, such as a childhood favorite, something they’ve already read, or a light and fluffy novel. Emptying their brains of their dark fears and filling them with light can help them sleep better.


Cancers, the only zodiac dominated by the moon, have strong and active wits at night. They become their most powerful, real selves after dark, thanks to their connection to the moon’s heavenly force. Cancers are empathetic and loving, thus their greatest concern is for their loved ones, which manifests itself in their dreams. Their night terrors are about losing their family, lover, pets, or anybody else they care about.

Cancers can use their connection to the moon to direct their subconscious into a more hopeful, optimistic state. This star sign, more than any other, benefits from watching the moon’s phases and applying them to manifestation and meditation. For example, if the moon is waxing, people can meditate before bed on what they wish to materialize before the full moon of the month. If the moon is declining, people can think on what they wish to release before the new moon as they prepare for sleep. Harnessing their powerful connection to the moon is essential for providing Cancers a sense of control over their dreams and making sleep more comfortable.


Virgo, like Gemini, is guided by Mercury, who bestows intelligence and communication skills on this zodiac sign. Virgos are natural worriers, frequently stressing about matters beyond their control. They are also prone to negative thinking, which can remain even when asleep. This star sign regulates the digestive system, and the brain-gut link exacerbates their concerns when their food is unbalanced.

The greatest strategy for this zodiac sign to avoid night terrors is to maintain good health. Avoiding coffee, sweets, and alcohol is critical for Virgos, particularly at night. Regular exercise improves their health and relieves their frenzied minds. Repeating positive mantras before bedtime can also help kids teach their brains to have nice dreams.


Scorpio is guided by Pluto, the planet of death, destruction, the subconscious, and secrets, all of which are key themes in their life and dreams. It’s simple to see how it could result in some intense night terrors. Scorpios are very controlling, but they can’t control their subconscious, which causes them uneasiness. Their anxieties, secrets, lost loved ones, and other gloomy thoughts may plague them while they sleep.

This zodiac despises being vulnerable and expressing their problems with others, but it’s exactly what they need to do to overcome their worries. Opening up to trustworthy friends, loved ones, or a therapist might help people navigate the turbulent waters of their subconscious. Scorpios must recognize that they do not have to bear the burden of night terrors alone; sharing the load will make it lighter, allowing them to finally experience the pleasant dreams they deserve.


Pisces’ ruling planet is Neptune, the heavenly body of dreams, therefore night terrors can be especially intense for this sign. Neptune is also the planet of illusion, which lends Piscean creative imagination. They can use their brains to create beautiful castles in the sky, but they are also vulnerable to despair and negative thinking, which enter into their subconscious. Pisces, as an emotional water sign, are especially sensitive to their dreams, and night terrors can cause them to feel uneasy all day.

To avoid nightmares, this zodiac should have a relaxing nightly routine. Pisceans, like the sign of the fish, are comforted by water; going for a night swim or taking a warm bath before bed will help to quiet their thoughts and bodies. Adding aromatherapy oils to the tub enhances the relaxation experience.

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