Learning to forgive and forget is never simple, but it is undoubtedly one of the most important things we can do in life. Giving us a much-needed feeling of closure when we face personal adversity, and having the strength to forgive others and go on with our lives is a virtue that far too few people possess. Fortunately, some signs with inherently wise spirits have shown effective at letting bygones be bygones, allowing them to forget the past and focus on the future.
Aries prefer to live in the present now, focusing on any action or exciting opportunity in their immediate surroundings. In this regard, they typically lack the long-term attention required to harbor grudges, considering the past as simply that: the past. In many ways, one could argue that they are not naturally forgiving; they simply lack the discipline to hold onto their harsh feelings for long.
When it comes to matters of the heart, Libras will always find a way to suppress their emotions, frequently placing the needs of others before their own. A Pragmatic negotiator adept in maintaining peace seeks to resolve disagreement via patience and understanding, even if it means conceding certain points they passionately oppose. In this sense, they’re known for giving in to others a little too easily, thereby hurting their interests.

Sagittarians regard everything as a lesson, which helps them make sense of their surroundings, including the most tragic occurrences with potentially life-altering implications. Through this philosophical perspective, they attempt to interpret personal issues to grow and transform into more resourceful individuals. They may not appreciate what you’ve done to them or even have a positive attitude toward people who have wounded them, but they know that they are fundamentally different people than they were before the injury.
Pisces is wise enough to recognize that every argument has two sides, no matter how strongly they believe in their opinion. Pisces, by taking an objective view of the cosmos and all of its inhabitants, manages to avoid becoming agitated when it comes to verbal arguments. Whether debating over politics, religion, or which Lady Gaga album is the best in the singer’s career, Pisces will refrain from pouring their emotions into the topic at hand, avoiding any potential disputes with the individuals they’re speaking with.