Three Signs That Are Having a Hard Time Letting Go of an Ex

It’s never easy to let go of an ex. It’s possible to finally move on, but then a memory will hit you and pull you right back in. It can be hard for some zodiac signs to break up with someone, even if they know it’s for the best. You’re not the only one having trouble getting over an old romance. These three things could mean that you’re having a hard time letting go of an ex.


Cancer, when you love, you love with all your heart. It makes sense that breaking up with an ex can feel like pulling a tree out of the ground—you’re so tied to the memories and emotional link. When someone close to you dies, you hold on to all the little things you did and said together, like inside jokes that made you feel like you were the only two people in the room and your favorite places in town.

You tend to care for and protect people you care about, even if they’re not in your life anymore. This is what makes it hard. When you let go, it’s like giving up something you loved, which makes it hard to move on.

It’s okay to remember the love you felt, but keep telling yourself that hanging on to the past is keeping you from new, better options. Take care of yourself do things that make you feel good, and try to make new, good memories for yourself. Now is the time to let your heart heal and be open to new things.


Libra, the end of a relationship throws your whole world into chaos. It’s hard for you to let go of an ex, especially if the end of the relationship wasn’t clear or was confusing. You may find that you romanticize the past, look forward to the good times, and wish the relationship were whole again. You may wonder if you made the right choice or if there is still time to fix things because you want love and a relationship.

You’re having a hard time because you’re deeply afraid of being alone and you like to have everything neatly wrapped up. Moving on when you don’t fully understand why things stopped can be scary and make it hard to let go.

You deserve a love that makes you feel whole and healthy. Please allow yourself to let go of the dream and concentrate on your happiness. Spend time with friends who will back you and do things that make you feel good. Remember that you can give yourself the peace you need to move on. You don’t need someone else to do it for you.


Scorpio, you love very deeply, and not many people can match that. It’s all or nothing when you’re in a relationship, and the emotional tie you make seems almost impossible to break. Breaking up with an ex can be very hard because you’re not just losing a person; you may feel like a piece of your soul has been ripped away. If things didn’t work out, you might think about your ex all the time, replay talks, or even feel seriously betrayed.

This could be because you want to connect with someone on a deep, soul level. Letting go can be very painful because it feels like you’re losing something holy. Your heart still feels the pain of what was, even if you know in your head that it’s time to move on.

You can heal by accepting your feelings and learning how to let them go. Do things that let you talk about your thoughts, like therapy or writing in a journal. Pay attention to getting back your power and finding strength in being on your own. Don’t forget that you deserve a connection that feels both strong and healthy. Letting go of what isn’t helping you will help you get there.

Source: 3 Zodiacs That Are Struggling To Detach From An Ex

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