Three zodiac couples that can’t live without each other

A good amount of space between two people is not always a bad thing. The structural foundation of most relationships can be strengthened by taking a break every once in a while. This gives each person in the relationship the freedom and chance to follow their own interests. For some people, though, the thought of not seeing their partner for days, weeks, or even months is worse than death. When they’re away from their lover for too long, their relationship is in danger.

Cancer and Taurus

Taurus and Cancer both want things to be predictable in every part of their lives. For Taurus, this means a stable home life, and for Cancer, it means a steady flow of love and respect. So, whenever these two signs move apart, it throws their whole life off. Because Taurus has built a rigid routine around their relationship, they will always want their partner back. When their lover leaves for long periods, they feel empty. In the same way, Cancers are always looking for signs that their partner loves them, like a quick kiss on the cheek or a tight hug that says, “You’re great, honey.” These things help both signs find peace when they’re by themselves, and they both start counting down the minutes until they can be with their partner again.

Leo and Pisces

In a lot of ways, Leo and Pisces aren’t the best match because they are very different from each other and don’t have many things in common. Some couples click from the moment they meet, but for a Leo and Pisces relationship to grow and settle, both people have to put in time and effort. Because of this, whenever they have to be apart for long periods, they can’t help but feel their romantic connection to each other start to fade, undoing all the work they put into making their relationship grow and improve.

Capricorn and Gemini

Like the pairing of Leo and Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn don’t usually make a good love couple. Still, if both people put in the same amount of work, their relationship could go beyond what people expect, leading to a love match as bright and beautiful as Cancer and Scorpio or Aries and Sagittarius. Because time is so important to the growth of their relationship as a whole, these two signs can’t help but be angry and upset when they have to go longer amounts of time without seeing each other. They can only tell for sure if the relationship is working or not when they’re together in person. This makes them doubt their pairing whenever they spend too much time apart.

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