Top 4 Zodiac Signs That Struggle to Move On from Exes

3 min read

We all have that one buddy who can’t seem to move on from their ex, no matter how much time passes. The truth is that some zodiac signs are more likely to hold onto prior relationships due to their emotional nature, devotion, or even a tinge of stubbornness.

While moving on can be tough for anybody, these four indicators frequently struggle to let go of previous loves. Let’s have a look at which zodiac signs suffer the most with moving on from ex-partners.


Cancer, the zodiac’s most sensitive and nurturing sign, is noted for its strong emotional connections. They fall in love with their whole hearts, making it difficult for them to let go when the relationship ends. Cancers tend to reminisce about the good times and hang onto memories, frequently seeking solace in the familiar.

Their great desire for security and dread of getting harmed again may make them hesitant to move on. They may preserve keepsakes or continue to follow their ex on social media, making the healing process even more difficult. Cancer requires closure, and finding a healthy method to process their emotions is critical for moving forward.


Taurus, the steady and loyal sign, prioritizes stability and constancy in their relationships. They are not easy to let go of, frequently holding on to their ex-partners long after the relationship has ended. Taurus people are very attached to the routines and comfort they have created with their partners, which makes the prospect of starting again scary.

They are slow to adapt, preferring to remain in their comfort zone rather than confront the unexpected. This sign frequently difficulties with forgiveness and forgetting, which might result in lasting feelings for their former. To move forward, Taurus must welcome change and recognize that letting go can lead to new, meaningful experiences.


Scorpios are recognized for their fierce and passionate personalities, which make their partnerships highly meaningful. When a Scorpio loves, they do it with unrivaled depth, making it difficult for them to move on from an ex. They tend to carry grudges and struggle to forgive betrayals, which might leave them rooted in the past.

Scorpios have a tendency to obsess over what went wrong, repeating scenes in their brains and striving to find closure. Scorpios must focus their energy on self-development and new hobbies to let go of the past and embrace the future.


Pisces, the dreamy and sympathetic sign, typically struggles to move on from previous relationships. They tend to romanticize their ex-partners and the memories they had, resulting in a distorted view of the past. Pisces are extremely sensitive and understanding, frequently seeing the best in others, which can make it difficult for them to know when to let go.

Their innate desire for escapism can lead people to fantasize about what could have been rather than accept reality. Pisces must anchor themselves in the present moment and prioritize self-care and self-love to go forward.

These four zodiac signs each have a distinct method of dealing with love and grief, which can make it difficult for them to move on from their ex. Whether it’s due to strong emotional bonds, a fear of change, or a predisposition to romanticize the past, each sign has its path to healing and closure.

Mason Hart

Mason Hart is an experienced journalist specializing in current affairs and public policy. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the truth, Mason provides insightful analysis and comprehensive coverage of pressing issues. His work aims to inform and engage readers, driving meaningful conversations in the community.

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