Understanding the Cost of US Citizenship Fees and Payment Options Revealed

Becoming a US citizen costs roughly $700, however there are financial hardship waivers available.

Obtaining US citizenship is typically a complex procedure with a variety of expenses. Those interested in becoming US citizens must grasp the accompanying fees and payment choices, as well as the technical components of the procedure.

How Much Does It Cost to Get US Citizenship?

In 2024, the filing fee for Form N-400, the application to become a US citizen, is $725. This charge includes $640 for the application and $85 for biometric services such as fingerprints and photographing. The charge must be paid at the time of submission and can be done with a check, money order, or credit card.

Understanding these fees and potential financial aid is critical for everyone on the path to become a US citizen. Planning ahead of time and understanding your alternatives will allow you to handle this essential procedure with greater ease and confidence.

Over the last few years, the naturalization fee has significantly increased. In 2019, the cost was $640, which reflected growing administrative and processing expenses. According to data from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), over 900,000 naturalization applications were submitted in 2023.

Payment Options and Fee Waivers

USCIS provides a fee waiver program to persons who are experiencing financial difficulties. Applicants who can establish that their income is below the federal poverty line or are facing great economic hardship may be eligible for a cost reduction or full waiver.

Support from non-profit organizations

Non-profit groups such as the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) also offer low- or no-cost assistance with the preparation of citizenship petitions. These organizations play an important role in assisting applicants with financial and legal difficulties.

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