Addressing Gaps in Care for Those with Developmental Disabilities

Parenting a child with developmental disabilities is both rewarding and challenging. Raising our daughter, Audrey, who had autism and cognitive impairment, taught us about unconditional love and the struggles within the system.

While filled with joy at Audrey’s achievements, we faced isolation, frustration, and the constant battle for services. Audrey passed away in 2015, inspiring us to advocate for change. I now serve on Hamilton County’s Developmental Disability Services board and co-founded the Ohio Coalition for Person-Centered Planning.

This journey led me to run for the Ohio House of Representatives. I appreciate recent efforts to increase wages for Direct Service Providers. If elected, I aim to build on this progress and address critical gaps in our system.

Legislatively, we must ensure rate increases for professionals are fully realized. Simplifying administrative complexities, supporting bills like House Bill 321 for a special needs registry, and expanding Medicaid services in various settings are crucial steps. Additionally, securing funding for better transportation services is vital for accessibility.

Addressing Gaps in Care for Those with Developmental Disabilities

While not perfect fixes, these proposals aim to enhance Ohio’s care for those with developmental disabilities. If elected, it would be an honour to champion this cause.

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Mike Odioso is a lifelong educator, attorney, and community leader, currently running for the Ohio House of Representatives from the 30th District.

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