Avoiding the worst cars may save you money and time, particularly if they are unreliable. Buying a new or used automobile is a significant investment. Of course, reports reflect a widespread sentiment, but you are not required to agree with them due to the bad elements of these vehicles.
For example, Jeep is popular among many Americans. However, Consumer Reports gives this car a rating of only 46 out of 100. As a result, it is widely regarded as the worst automobile brand. It is the worst of the 34 brands analyzed. Consumer Reports conducted this report based on vehicle safety, reliability, owner satisfaction, and road test ratings.
What claims have Consumer Reports made about Jeep?
This car brand’s main selling point is its terrible reliability. For example, the model they tested had a vibration problem, and it had been returned to the service department four times before they could discover the root cause.
So it has been out of operation for 40 days. They put the Grand Cherokee to the test. Of course, it depends on how you drive and what you use your car for. Land Rover ranks as the second-worst automobile brand.
Its rating is only 50 out of 100. CR tested the Land Rover Range Rover Sport. In reality, it is a luxury brand’s automobile. However, CR argues that it does not meet their recommendation criterion.
Which other car models, according to Consumer Reports, are the worst after Jeep and Range Rover?
Consumer Reports lists Jaguar F-Pace, GMC, and Rivian as among the worst automobile brands, in addition to Jeep and Land Rover. According to CR, owners complained that the premium SUV made “too many noises”.
Jaguar’s service center takes weeks to schedule, thus owners are unable to fix the problem right away. GMC is next, and CR does not endorse any brand models. It has a score of only 53, making it one of the worst car brands.
GMC 2023 Sierra 1500 owners reported excessive noise, including creaks, pops, and rattles. Rivian, an EV carmaker, only makes two vehicles. Indeed, their models perform well in testing, receiving a rating of 55 out of 100. However, CR believes that reliability has been a significant issue. For further information, see https://www.consumerreports.org/video/view/cars/auto-test-track/6347688022112/2024-worst-car-brands/.