In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 10-year-old California boy, Keith “KJ” Frierson, lost his life over the weekend, the victim of a senseless act of violence initiated by another 10-year-old after a heated bicycle race. The shocking incident unfolded in Foothill Farms, a community located approximately 16 miles northeast of Sacramento, leaving the community in mourning and raising questions about firearm access and juvenile violence. The tragedy occurred after an informal bicycle race, with the shooter, also a 10-year-old, becoming a “sore loser” and responding with a firearm. KJ’s mother, Brittani Frierson, shared that her son had received permission to ride his bicycle, a Christmas gift he had eagerly awaited. Less than 15 minutes later, a neighbor alerted Frierson to a disturbing incident involving her son. According to accounts from a neighbor’s child who witnessed the event, the shooter angrily walked away after losing the race and returned with a gun. KJ, oblivious to the danger, was shot in the neck without any warning. The devastating incident left the community in shock, and KJ’s mother expressed the agony of discovering her son on the ground, realizing that he had no chance of survival. Authorities responded swiftly, booking the shooter, whose identity remains undisclosed due to being a juvenile, on suspicion of murder. Additionally, the shooter’s father, Arkete Davis, 53, faces multiple charges, including possession of a firearm by a felon, criminal storage of a firearm, child endangerment, and acting as an accessory to a crime after the fact.
Mason Heart is your go-to writer for the latest updates on Social Security, SNAP, Stimulus Checks, and finance. With a knack for breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand language, Mason ensures you stay informed and ahead in today's fast-paced world. Dedicated to keeping readers in the loop, Mason also dives into trending stories and insights from Newsbreak. When Mason isn't crafting engaging articles, they're likely exploring new ideas to make finances more approachable for everyone.
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