Virgos have robust skin. Thicker than average. As a result, when they face a particularly difficult chapter in their lives, they do not give up. While they don’t assume everything is going to be fine in the end, they do make a conscious decision to learn something from the experience. It could be grit, character, or the capacity to recognize things and people who aren’t benefiting them, but whatever it is, they get to retain it. They understand that life is full of loss and that the things they care about might be snatched away at any moment. So Virgo chooses to take back their life as if it were a buffet they had already paid for. They’re not afraid to go up and get seconds or thirds.
Sagittarius treats life like a tale. They understand that there will always be highs and lows and that the pain they feel at any particular time may trigger a completely different sensation. So they sit with it and allow the feelings to pass through them. They recall all of the numerous times they were upset, frustrated, or grieving, and how fast things appeared to change. They changed, as did the people around them, and, finally, the situation altered. The best we can do is hang on for the ride and attempt to catch a glimpse of the scenery as we pass. Some may be more interesting and pleasurable than others, but they all contribute to the overall story of the journey.
Leo is allowing their pain to influence them. Allowing tragedy to teach them lessons about how to treat people and who is by them in the midst of it. Lessons about what is important and what they care about. Lessons on who and where they want to be. They have an incredible support structure to help them get through these difficult times, but the experience demonstrates how much they are capable of handling on their own. Leo can stand on their own two feet, make their judgments, and chart their course forward. Whatever anxieties they’ve been unable to confront are merely impediments that can be easily overcome; all they needed was the proper occasion to prove themselves incorrect. Everyone has something to learn about themselves.
Aries is realizing that they have more room for everything. More friendships, more emotions, more struggles, and more tears. Just when they think they’ve hit their limit, they stretch, grow, and expand. They can hold it all, that chaotic mix of life’s overlapping emotions, memories, hopes, and dreams, and they can change. Aries have the freedom to grow and evolve; they are not limited to the version of themselves that the world saw yesterday. They can become better, smarter, kinder, and wiser all at once. They can multitask while still giving everything the attention and energy it requires. The pain serves as a reminder that their efforts are paying off. Like a sore bicep from a day at the gym.
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