Oklahoma Police Stop Toddler Cruising in Hot Pink Convertible

2 min read

There is a cute little story about a child, the cops, a neighbor, a dog, etc. that goes viral on the internet every once in a while. In Okarche, Oklahoma, of all places, a two-year-old girl was pulled over by cops as she drove down the road in her hot pink Power Wheels convertible.

Driving while distracted was the problem. Anyone who has been on the road in the last ten years has seen the effects of this directly. Or at least that’s what people on the internet have come up with since little Rose Fern (what a cute name) was chewing on her toothbrush while driving, which took her mind away from the road and kept both hands off the wheel.

The trouble, according to Okarche Police, was that Rose was going too fast. We don’t know what the speed limits are, but we didn’t think Power Wheels could go that fast.

Anyway, the cop in the video talked to Rose and gave her a “warning” on the police department’s Facebook page, which is run by the chief, saying that “her cuteness” helped her get away with not getting a ticket. Police say things like that never happen when they stop a car.

We just want to know if little Rose Fern showed a legal driver’s license, registration, and insurance, or if she claimed “sovereign citizenship” and said she wasn’t required to show those things when asked.

Police say this story has been told all over the place, even around the world. They say it’s a great example of how community policing can make a difference. It also shows how powerful images can be.


Mason Hart

Mason Hart is an experienced journalist specializing in current affairs and public policy. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the truth, Mason provides insightful analysis and comprehensive coverage of pressing issues. His work aims to inform and engage readers, driving meaningful conversations in the community.

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