Teacher Claims Harassment and Strange Incident at NYC’s Trinity School

In a surprising story from Trinity School in New York City, a former teacher named Gerardo Perez has filed a lawsuit, saying he experienced harassment and a strange incident that led to him losing his job.

Perez says the problems started in June 2021 when a coworker accused him of not doing good work and insisted on quick responses to her requests. When Perez said her actions were “aggressive,” she called his response a “microaggression.”

Despite Perez telling the school about the ongoing harassment, he says nothing was done. According to the lawsuit, his coworker, Chaztery Cruz, tried to use the school’s “woke” philosophy against him by involving Perez’s bosses to embarrass him.

In a weird event in October 2022, Perez found a pile of dung in his office. The school said it was accidentally brought in on someone’s shoe, but Perez thinks it was put there on purpose. How the school dealt with this strange incident will be a big part of the legal case, as it might show biases in how they investigate things.

Teacher Claims Harassment and Strange Incident at NYC's Trinity School

Perez says that, even though he tried to defend himself against a tough work situation, he was fired on February 24. The school said it was because of problems with Cruz. Perez’s lawyer, Dylan Wiley, says Perez was loved by students and parents, getting great reviews during his time at Trinity School. This makes us wonder why the school let go of someone who seemed to be making a positive impact.

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The case of Gerardo Perez at Trinity School is a bit complicated, involving claims of harassment, workplace issues tied to “woke” philosophy, and a strange incident with poop. As the legal stuff happens, we’ll have to see how the school deals with these serious claims and if it makes people think more about how workplaces should be in schools.

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